Arthur Digital Archive Project Sp 2011 Wiki
Rackham's Grail maiden, for Pollard's 1917 version

Welcome to the Wiki[]

This is a wiki for Jacob Lewis's Arthurian Legends course (ENGL 3713) at the University of Arkansas in the Spring of 2011. We are using this wiki as part of a Digital Archive Project in which undergraduates put their scholarly efforts to good use on the interwebs.

At the request of some of you, I have also set aside web space for developing our own resources for class.

This assignment is in its infancy. Comments are welcome. As my good friend Walter Bishop would say, experimenting is fun!

Arthurian Resources[]

About the Digital Archive Project[]

Hurrah! It's Arthur. But this isn't just a wiki about Arthur.

Your project, this semester, is to leave the digital archive of the Internet a little cleaner and more robust than you received it. You can do this in a number of ways, all of which involve digital media (wikis, blogs, eBooks, and so on). You will start by looking at and eventually playing with some of the project wiki entries in the Course Wiki on Blackboard. On the 11th of March, I’ll freeze everything for editing and take a look at what you’ve got. Then, I’ll comment on your progress, and open everything back up for editing. At the end of the course, we’ll post everything to its proper home, and go from there.

The spirit of this project is simple: What resources (digital or otherwise) exist for your text(s), and what can you do to improve those resources? You can do ANYTHING that fits that spirit--a survey of film versions of it, a database of its criticism, a collection of assignments for teaching it, or what have you. The guiding question is "What digital resources would you develop to help scholars understand and/or teach this text?"

As you can see, this breaks down into a series of steps: pick a text; decide on a focus (critical/pedagogical/both); look at the critical and/or pedagogical resources for that text; decide how to improve on those resources and put them on the Web for all to use.

If your text is popular, multiple resources exist. As I suggested to John, when you have a popular text like that, you also have the option to help people navigate the mess of resources that do exist. What resources exist for teaching your popular text? Which ones seem really good--and what were your criteria for "good"?

The full assignment sheet is here.

The Projects[]

Feel free to edit this list and add to it. If your project doesn't fall under one of the categories below, add a new one.


Wiki Markup Help from Wikipedia
